Tag Archives: Christianity

Why witnessing to non-Christians rarely works


Having been witnessed several times over the last month about the evils of my Pagan ways, I have written a list of why witnessing rarely works.

1. They act or go in eith the with mentality that you are a bad person, and treat you as such.

Having been often raised to believe that people only reject the word of God due to the lack of desire to give up bad life style, they is often the automatic assumption. I have been accused by strangers who do not know my name of being a drug addict, alcoholic, or promiscuous.

The truth is I have never taken any type of drugs, hate the taste of alcohol, and am a virgin. People will not cconvert someone to another worldview if you treat them like they believe differently than you because they are morally inferior to you.

It does not make Christians look good, it only makes them all look like judgement jerks and do you want to convert to a religion filled with people like that.

 2. Too much reliance on the threat of hell.

Threatening a non-Christian with hell is like threatening an adult with no presents for Christmas.People cannot be tthreaten someone with something they do not believe in. No graphic descriptions of it or what ifs can change that. Also, the fact they on hell so much makes their argument look weak.

It makes it seem that Christianity is a religion dependant on fear and who want to convert to a religion out of fear?

3. Ignorance of religion or spirituality of the person being witnessed too.

Half the time I am forced to explain to the person trying to convert me that I do not do ‘dark’ magic or use aborted fetuses in my ritual. Looking stupid never makes anything looks good. There seems to be a   sire to be purposefully ignorant of the other person’s belief systems to avoid being ‘tempted’. This only causes frustration tot he person being witnessed too, by having what they believe so misrepresented.

This only causes frustrations. If someone is going to spend time witnessing to someone, they should take tome to understand what the other person believes, or else it is a time waster to both of them

4. Ignorance of their own religion

Possibly one of the most frustrating things is being witnesses to someone who does not understand their own faith or book. I can easily point out immoral parts of the Bible like directions for slavery and such, and I am often accused of lying even when I give out the chapter or pointing out how many things Christianity stole from Paganism.